Wednesday 27 October 2021

Cat vs Car

New game released by epic games cat vs cars. You have to not get eaten by the cat that chases you around the track. You have to do the track the times to win. You can get it for $49.99.


Thursday 23 September 2021

Maths - Prototec Number 4

Some more Prototec 


Wednesday 22 September 2021

These Are Some Examples Of My Work Over The Year.

This is some of my work that i enjoyed over the year.

Thursday 2 September 2021

Maths Prototec #3

 Just Some More Prototec

Thursday 26 August 2021

Maths - Prototec #2

 Just some maths during lockdown.

Monday 16 August 2021

Maths Prototec


This is my prototec 32 out of 40. 

My Learning Goals For This Week

Something i learnt this week: I learnt during tokyo olympics NZ have 140 medals in total.

Learning that I struggled with: I struggled with the cross country.

How I Managed Myself: I managed myself by getting on with my work and less talking to my friends.

How I Managed My Learning: I do my work and do less talking.

What Is My Goal For This Week To Be A Better Learner/Self manager: Is to keep updating the tracking sheet after I have Finished an activities. 

Wednesday 11 August 2021

My Screencastify On The Past

 Here is some advice that I would give to me back in the past.

Wednesday 28 July 2021


 A QR code is a code where you scan it and it takes you to the website you put the QR code on.

 You can find a QR code on the front of a store

This QR code goes to my book creator on the Tarawera Eruption

This is my wevideo on my proudest Moment, hardest Moment and most rewarding moments

This is my game on gamefroot

Monday 14 June 2021

Screentime negatively affects learning.

We are learning to write a lawyer paragraph. These are my statistics from writing are paragraph of a lawyer. We are writing about screen time negatively affects learning. 

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Creating a gamefroot

 Today we created a game on gamefroot. The easiest part of the game was creating our person. But the challenge part of it was adding in the background for our my game and adding all of the coding pieces. Our next step of making our gamefroot is making the character jump and adding a bit of music to the game.

Friday 28 May 2021

Me as a Piskel


Today during manaiakalani we ourself as a piskel. It was very challenging because we had to recreate ourselves. The challenge part about it was creating the hands for our character and also finding the right colours for ourselves as well. 

Wednesday 5 May 2021

Colours of LH7

 Today we were learning how to use piktocharts for graphs. Our class choose different colours for graphs.



Wednesday 14 April 2021

How to unpack a sentence


1. Copying the sentence

2. Adding a bit more info

3. You have unpacked the entire sentence

Wednesday 31 March 2021

How to use Mathletics


This is how you use mathletics. first of you have to sign in with a username and password your teacher gives you. Then sign in. You have assigned tasks from  your teacher. You have to get 1000 points a week to get a bronze. 5 bronze= 4 silver and 4 silvers= 1 gold. You can't go on mathletics live until you get 1000 points or more.

Wednesday 17 March 2021


We had our triathlon today. The challenge bit was the running because i had to run the running and biking which was three laps and it was annoying. The swimming was tiring because we had to do three laps of the pool and then run to the finish line.

Monday 15 March 2021

Max's motorbike

 Max loved riding his quad bike on the track. His was fuming because he keeps falling off the quad bike. His grandma was baking some chocolate chip cookies for a desert for doing a trick. He did a backflip it was cool. Max did a big jump and jumped over 2 ramps. His grandma was surprised. Him and his grandma enjoyed eating the cookies because they were so nice.Max's motorbike mumbled after a drop. Suddenly sally sat on the cookies.(Sally Grandma) She was devastated because she sat on the cookies they were enjoying. Grandma got very sad. Max got very angry and told his grandma to go bake so more cookies while he drives his quad around. But the cookies took until midnight because she forgot about the cookies. She was angry.

Wednesday 10 March 2021

All about me

Hi my name is Ihaka and i´m a year 8 in LH7 From Gisint school and my teacher is Miss Schultz. I like doing Darts with my family. I love to play games with my friends. My favourite game is Call of duty Wazone. I also love watching youtube my favourite youtuber is SSundee because he is funny.